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AnPing HongYun wire product Co.,Ltd.

Company Profile
Hebei hongyun wire product Co Ltd,is specialized in manufacturing and dealingin all kinds of nonferrous metal wire .Our main products are nicked wire,stainless steel avilable in diameter 0.03-2.0mm nicked wire mesh.;Ni-Cu wire mesh ;stainless steel wire mesh from 1 mesh to 500 mesh whith the hole size 5000mm-0.028mm;Ni,Cu,Al,expended metal avilable in the thickness 0.04mm-1mm with minimum hole.
Our products are wildly used in machinery electronics,industry,oil industry,chemical industry ,metallurgial ,...
Products List

stainless steel wire
Contact Us
Company: AnPing HongYun wire product Co.,Ltd.
Contact: Mr. song mingyao
Address: No.2 FuMin Road,AnPing County
Postcode: 053600
Tel: 86 318 5281781
Fax: 86 318 7979267


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